
I have few blink cameras at home. And, to be honest, I’m really happy how they are working. So when I was looking for a doorbell, a one from blink was the obvious choice for me.

Company which I already know, application which I already have, integrated into my home assistant instance. Should be perfect.

Should be. After less than a month I’m sending it back. Blink is using a pair of lithium batteries. In all other cameras they are working few months. In the doorbell max is a week. It’s not a joke – one week. And this is when I set up a maximum energy saving options. No movement detection. No recording when system is armed. Nothing. Only recording when someone press the button.

I already have an alternative. Ring doorbell (2nd generation). It’s more expensive, but it’s working.

Ok. I had to install the application to set it up first time. And to integrate it with my Amazon account. But then I may not use it anymore. Not, if I want to use it as a doorbell only. And, to be honest, ring has a better integration with Alexa.

So at the end, I have few blink outdoor cameras, but ring doorbell 😂

Whiteboard from Atlassian

Atlassian will release their own whiteboard. It will be a part of the confluence. So you will not have to use miro or mural (or similar online services). You will not need apps like Microsoft whiteboard or Apple freeform. Confluence will be everything what you need.

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