I have few blink cameras at home. And, to be honest, I’m really happy how they are working. So when I was looking for a doorbell, a one from blink was the obvious choice for me.
Company which I already know, application which I already have, integrated into my home assistant instance. Should be perfect.
Should be. After less than a month I’m sending it back. Blink is using a pair of lithium batteries. In all other cameras they are working few months. In the doorbell max is a week. It’s not a joke – one week. And this is when I set up a maximum energy saving options. No movement detection. No recording when system is armed. Nothing. Only recording when someone press the button.
I already have an alternative. Ring doorbell (2nd generation). It’s more expensive, but it’s working.
Ok. I had to install the application to set it up first time. And to integrate it with my Amazon account. But then I may not use it anymore. Not, if I want to use it as a doorbell only. And, to be honest, ring has a better integration with Alexa.
So at the end, I have few blink outdoor cameras, but ring doorbell 😂
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