
What is Metaverse?

Metaverse is augmented virtual reality. A digital world that we will be able to connect to through VR goggles and spend time in. Right now, using the Internet is primarily a two-dimensional experience mediated by a screen. The Metaverse could make it possible for us to literally immerse ourselves in it and perform activities there, previously reserved only for the real world. This is one of the fastest growing technologies of the future.

Metaverse is a compound of the words meta and verse. The term was invented by American science fiction writer Neal Stephenson and first appears in his 1992 book. The novel is set in a dystopian world ruled by greedy corporations. Its inhabitants escape from everyday problems into cyberspace, the metaverse, where they can move around as their avatars. Of course, it costs money to beautify one’s character, and the poorer ones have to settle for gray images.

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